Depression & Anxiety

You wake with a sense of dread.

It’s tougher and tougher to face the day.

You can’t remember the last time you were happy, well… genuinely happy. The last several years have been you trying to fake happiness, but you’re exhausted. You can’t keep up this charade any longer.

It’s becoming harder and harder to enjoy this life, and you sometimes dream that you no longer exist in this world.

And what if you didn’t?

If you weren’t here…,

…you wouldn’t be a burden to your family. They wouldn’t have to worry about you and wonder how long you’ll suffer in your depression this time.

You have zero energy or motivation. Getting out of bed is the last thing you want to do. Sleeping helps you feel safe because you’re exhausted from the war in your mind.

And now, your depression has a best friend: anxiety.

Anxiety has become your depression’s long-time companion. In fact, your depression feeds your anxiety and vice versa. It’s a debilitating cycle, and you don’t know how to make it all STOP.

Anxiety makes you feel as though your heart is about to pound out of your chest. Your chest tightens, and you can’t breathe.

The tingling in your hands becomes more noticeable as your palms become sweatier.

A million butterflies flutter simultaneously in the pit of your stomach – and not in a good way.

You’re no longer in control.

If you’ve never experienced high levels of anxiety, you just don’t get it. Simple everyday tasks, such as grocery shopping, become draining, unpredictable – just not worth it.

You’re afraid to go out in public – you don’t know what’s going to happen.

You miss out on important events. You give up your favorite activities, your relationships deteriorate. And… here comes the depression again.

You don’t see how you can ever get your life back, but you can.

You are not your depression. You are not your anxiety.

These forces don’t have to control your world.

By identifying their root causes, we can bring you relief from your symptoms.

Together, we can work with in-the-moment feelings to figure out why you’re experiencing anxiety and how you can overcome it in the future.

Depression is scary, but it doesn’t have to be a part of your daily life. Much like anxiety, we work collaboratively and dig deep to figure out the root cause so that it does not rule you.

Put yourself back in the driver’s seat.

Once we face the source of this nerve-wracking tag team, we can create lasting change.

Now, imagine adding words like happiness, joy, energy, confidence, and passion back into your vocabulary.

Imagine defeating dread and waking every morning with a strong desire to get out of bed and seize the day!

Let’s do this together! Reach out for your free 20-minute consultation!

Because you deserve so much more than to exist – you deserve to thrive and truly love your life.